Committee members are chosen by the committee head or the Pastor. If you have specialized gifts or skills that you would like to use to serve the church, please contact the rectory.
Pastoral Council - The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to foster full participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the parish and of the Universal Church and to advise the Pastor in pastoral matters that are presented to the council.
Finance Council - The Parish Finance Council assists the Pastor in his administration of parish finances. The council serves in a cooperative and consulting role with the Pastor in achieving both the current and long range goals of the parish.
Liturgy Committee
The mission of the Saint Jude Liturgy Committee is to continuously assess and recommend to the pastor the appropriate liturgical practices that will bring all people in our community closer to God by providing the most engaging worship experience possible. We also provide direction for those who plan sacramental celebrations and other events, to ensure that every liturgical celebration is a sacred encounter marked with joy and reverence.