St. Jude Parish’s purpose is to use our faith and love,
to inspire,
and to serve our community
so that all feel welcome, connected, and inspired.
On this page, we have shared videos and information about how we, as a parish, will focus on the future together. Over the next few years, we will create more social events, encourage broader participation in faith formation opportunities, and challenge you to share your faith with your community.
Our Priorities:
Engaging Our Community:Embracing a culture of involvement and excitement about faith through social gatherings and parish events to welcome all groups as our own.
Strengthening Our Parish: Building our parishioners’ relationships with God and each other through spiritual activities and opportunities that encourage growth, both individually and collectively.
Sharing Our Faith: Equipping and supporting our parishioners to share their faith journey with others.
We INVITE you to find 1 or 2 experiences that interest you. We ASK you to volunteer for a committee or simply attend a new event. We ENCOURAGE you to use these opportunities to grow in faith, love, and service to our community.
Together, we are
One St Jude Community: Alive in Jesus, cultivating disciples, and living in Mercy.
Click the buttons below to learn more about each item from your fellow parishioners!