Candidates are to be fully initiated practicing Catholics, high school graduates, validly married (if married), and recognized for faith and devotion to the Holy Eucharist as well as for service in the parish.
St. Jude Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are parishioners selected by the pastor for a term of three (3) years – renewable at the discretion of the pastor in consultation with the minister – to assist the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (Priest and Deacon) distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at parish liturgical functions (e.g. Mass) and to bring Holy Communion to those unable to leave their homes. These ministers are appointed to serve only the parish of St. Jude and need permission from the pastor to distribute Holy Communion to others outside the parish.
Pope Paul VI lists the qualities which, ideally, should be present in the minister of Communion:
“The person who has been appointed…must be duly instructed and should distinguish himself or herself by Christian life, faith, and morals, striving to be worthy of this great office, cultivating devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and acting as an example to the other faithful by piety and reverence for this most holy Sacrament of the altar. Let no one be chosen whose selection may cause scandal among the faithful.”
Those parishioners interested in learning more about becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion should contact the parish office.
Contact office@stjudechalfont.