Interested parties please contact Ted Dufner, [email protected] or [email protected].
Please include “President” in subject line.
To better serve our CYO community we've moved to a new web site. Use the NEW link to create your new CYO account and to register your child.
Please do not use any older links or web addresses, and update any bookmarks that may lead you to the old web site. When on the new web page, click the registration tab and choose your sport. You will be prompted to sign in or create a new account. Please take the time to create a new account, as this is the only way you will be able to register your child for CYO sports.
Our CYO programs thrive with the help of dedicated volunteers and coaches. If you're interested in contributing your time and expertise to support our young athletes, please reach out to us through our email [email protected]
Join us in making this Fall a season of growth, friendship, and sportsmanship for the youth of St. Jude. Let's come together as a Parish to create a positive and memorable experience for all involved!
Thank you for your continuous support, and we look forward to seeing you on the fields and courts.
** MANDATORY Catholic Coaching Essentials Online Course for CYO ONLY (see link below)**
JV Boys B, co-head coached by Steve Stoneback and Steve Gannon: The team, made up of 5th graders from St. Jude School and St. Jude Parish, are the champions of the OLMC Holiday Hoops Tournament, beating Visitation 24-13 in the finals on Friday, Dec. 30.
JV Girls Team coached by Kristen and Brad Bonar are the Champions of the OLMC Holiday Hoops Tournament, winning against OLMC 23-21. It was a nail-biter to the end, but our girls did it with talent, out-hustling, and resilience!
CYO provides parish youth programs for grades 1 through 12. The purpose of this organization is to provide athletic programs, service, and volunteer activities for the Youth of St. Jude’s Parish. This is done with a spiritual and social connection to help enforce our Catholic beliefs.
Not only do our youth represent us athletically, but they represent the parish in a way that should make us all feel proud.Thank you to everyone for supporting St Jude CYO!
Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering or if you would like your children to participate. We welcome you to our CYO family.
St Jude CYO Board
President: Ted Dufner: [email protected]