Discovering Christ (Course 1 of 3) is the starting point for anyone who is curious about the meaning and purpose of his or her life. Each week, you will view a thought-provoking video talk focused on exploring the meaning and purpose of your life and have time to discuss the talk in a warm, friendly, and judgement-free small group. Discovering Christ is a prerequisite for the second course in the series, Following Christ.
Session topics include: What is the meaning of life? Why does Jesus matter? Why do I need a savior? Why is the resurrection important? Who is the Holy Spirit, and more!
Following Christ (Course 2 of 3) offers participants practical teaching, meaningful discussion, and time over dessert & coffee to enhance and deepen their daily experience of living as disciples of Jesus Christ while enjoying fellowship within the community. Following Christ is a prerequisite for the third course in the series, Sharing Christ.
Session topics include: Personal Prayer, Hearing God in Scripture, The Power of the Sacraments, Forgiving One Another, The Spirit-Empowered Life, The Heart of a Disciple, and more!
Sharing Christ (Course 3 of 3) - invites those that have taken Discovering Christ and Following Christ to go deeper. Participants grow in confidence and learn ways to reach out in love to others (family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and all those God brings into your life) to invite them to know the peace, love, and joy that is found through faith in Jesus Christ, the profound love of God the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Session topics include: Called to Share Christ, Befriending Others, Sharing Your Story, The Power to Share Christ, Presenting the Good News, Inviting Others to Meet Jesus, and more!